Protecting the Black Body through voting

The world has been given a closeup view of how the black body (this time in the forms of George Floyd and Breanna Taylor) continues to be disrespected and often extinguished by those who are supposed to be our protectors. This is what can clearly be seen in the videos of Mr. Floyd’s murder. This is what is obvious in examining the details of the murder of a sleeping Breonna Taylor. But this is also what every black person knows to be true. We are watched, hunted and blocked in every environment, be that along lonely rural roads or in a luxury retailer’s men’s department in New York City. How this affects the black mind is of utmost enduring importance.

How has this assault on the black body been addressed by the government which we form through our votes, the businesses that we allow to exist through our dollars and the service organizations for which we provide the labor? Our former president had suggested that we be met with dogs and weapons, not unlike Bull Connors, an ignorant, racist icon of 50 years ago. Our local police departments are saying “Well, it shouldn’t have happened but we’re continuing to work on a more” enlightened” force. People of color and those of open mind and heart know what they are seeing: the result of centuries of ignorant domination of the kind-hearted, the meek, the suppressed and the hopeful. These problems exist for all blacks, regardless of location, occupation, education, religion or income. That means that racism is alive and well everywhere. So we have to be observant, aware, prepared. We have to determine effective ways to deliver our messages to our representatives. Our power is in our voices and our numbers. Ally your voice with those who share your goals. Support those organizations and programs that will step out in front and speak up to elected officials. Expect your church to speak up. Serve God through insisting on your government and institutions treating you fairly. Vote! Vote! Vote!