Protecting the Black Body through self-care

Covid 19 has exerted devastating losses on our communities. The vaccine has been a lifeline for many and

a source of fear and cautious speculation for many others. People don’t know what to believe since one of the

constants over the past few years has been the revelation of the extent to which lies and financial inequities

permeate our government and our healthcare systems. Our democracy is not democratic to everyone. The

system does not treat us fairly and does not assure us of the same levels of healthcare. Our decision making

has to be based on getting information from all sides, asking questions, observing what is going on around

us and getting answers that make sense.

Testing and masking are two easy things to do. So is getting the vaccine.

Don’t just wait in fear for Covid to get you. Don’t go looking for it either. This is probably not a good time

to hit the clubs. If there’s a wedding, baby shower or celebration for other reasons, celebrate small. Don’t

be nervous to set limits on who, what, when and where. Our survival will depend on our patience in being


Don’t limit your ability to protect yourself otherwise. This may be the time to check out natural ways to

protect yourself from Covid. Do your research on good multivitamins and zinc supplementation. A recent study

shows that more than 80% of patients with Covid 19 were vitamin D3 deficient. Dr. David Meltzer, Chief of Hospital

Medicine at the University of Chicago Medicine is lead author of a study showing that “having vitamin D levels

above those normally considered sufficient is associated with decreased risk of testing positive for Covid 19.

Natural D3 is inexpensive and available in most drug stores and large grocery stores. Check with your health

care practitioner in case you’re taking other medications or supplements. Your immune system is made

stronger by adequate (7 hours or more) sleep. And remember that viruses like sugar, so the less you feed

them, the better.