What Racism in Medicine Takes from Us
Fighting racism will not be the central story of my personal or professional life. I’m discovering that Black doctors deserve ...

The best $160 I ever spent: A session with a Black therapist
I hadn’t realized how important for my mental health it was to talk with someone like me. From VOX, By ...

Start forming your Alzheimer’s prevention strategies now
Pre-Senior Strategies For seniors and their children - preparation is the key to a healthy future New research indicates that ...

Start your new year of a new you
If the last year or two has left youwith a little more weight than whatyou had planned for this point ...

How to help your black child deal with the pandemic
Suicide rates and risks for black children are rapidly rising during the isolation of the pandemic. Here's 5 things you ...

Increase your fertility by speeding up your sperm
On the Discovery channel several years ago, there wasa film showing the activity of sperm on their way up thevaginal ...

Does marijuana cause heart attacks?
Marijuana is showing up in the bloodstream of heart attack and stroke victims. People are thinking that marijuana is harmless ...

Marijuana miseries
It's not the same marijuana that you smoked as a kid.It's far more potent and can cause permanent damageto vulnerable ...

Marijuana miseries you can sidestep
Marijuana has been legalized and people are lighting up everywhere.A weekend stroll to the local town center on a Saturday ...

Add this to your healthy- black-self diaries
You want to be more than just a pretty face.....you want to bea healthy mind and body! We, black & ...
Take action!
We hear this everyday: "In these unusual times....." Unusual they are and they require from us, unusual participation to save ...
Protecting the Black Body through self-care
Covid 19 has exerted devastating losses on our communities. The vaccine has been a lifeline for many and a source ...