Legal Issues in Black Life

Sending young black boys to jails in great numbers
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, is a must read if you have a son or if you care about the future of our race.
In the age of the Prison Industrial Complex, it behooves every black family to make themselves knowledgeable about the law and how it is being applied to our family members, particularly our young men. What might be normal adolescent experimentation can land your son or daughter in jail, their lives transformed forever. Help stop these sad stories before anymore get started.
Legal scholar and author, Michelle Alexander gives an exhaustive and incredibly revealing explanation of what is happening to young African Americans everyday now in America in her book, The New Jim Crow.
- Publisher: New Press, The; 1 edition (January 5, 2010)
- ISBN-10: 1595581030
- ISBN-13: 978-1595581037
- Available from Amazon for instant Kindle download
- Listen to the January 16th, 2012 NPR interview with the author highlighting key components of her theory.
- Or check out The African Americans – Many Rivers to Cross with Henry Louis Gates available on Amazon or
- Update: Will prisons be sold to private corporations? Check out
Get the full picture: How educational and financial vulnerability create a new type of slavery and what you can do about it.
Learn more about criminal justice concerns in the black community