Books on Money Management
You do not have to be in debt. You do not have to live without. In a new economy, you will definitely have to change your thinking about money, where it can come from
and what to do with it when you get it.

The Truth About Black & White – Warren Ballantine, Wyndham House
Action Has No Season,
Michael V. Roberts, J.D. ISBN:9781418423742,
“A very small key will unlock the door to enormous riches. Small changes in your life can create great futures. There are laws and principles that govern one’s life. Discovering those laws can instantly and radically change the course of your business and life…….
If you allow yourself to recognize this powerful, undiscovered secret of life, you will realize that this revelation has always been inside of you. It’s your inner voice calling for Action.” Michael V. Roberts
“The Thinker’s Way – 8 Steps to a Richer Life – Think Critically, Live Creatively, Choose Freely” by John Chaffee, Ph.D. ISBN 0-316-13317-5
“Powernomics – The National Plan to Empower Black America” by Claude Anderson, Ed.D. ISBN 0-9661702-2-9
To Simplify Your Life:” The Joy of Simple Living by Jeff Davidson (Over 1500 Simple Ways to Make Your Life Easy and Content -At Home and at Work)”
ISBN 1-57954-104-6
On Planning for the Future: “Clicking – 17 Trends That Drive Your Business – And Your Life” by Faith Popcorn & Lys Marigold ISBN 0 -88730-857-0
Lynette Khalfani-Cox
Your Money or Your Life –
Transforming Your Relationship
with Money and Achieving
Financial Independence
Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin
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