People are thinking that marijuana is harmless because it has been
legalized in many states. There are at least 100 cannabinoids that
are included under the label of “weed” or “cannabis” but only one
has been approved by the FDA for medical purposes.
Agitation and acceleration
Although cannabis is thought of as a substance that calms anxiety,
therapists report that chronic smokers are coming in with concerns
over increased anger, agitation and aggression. Robert L. Page II, Pharm D at the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy in Aurora,
Colorado cites a study that notes a trend among cannabis users ages 18 to 44. They are showing a significantly higher risk of having a stroke compared to nonusers. Cannabis is thought to speed up the heart, increasing heart rate and circulation.
Smoking and inhaling cannabis, regardless of THC content, has been associated with cardiomyopathy (heart muscle dysfunction), angina (chest pain), heart attacks, heart rhythm disturbances, sudden cardiac death and other serious cardiovascular conditions.
Even though cannabis is used medically, when smoked it still has
toxicity. In some studies, cannabis smoke is thought to be 3 to 5
times more toxic than tobacco smoke.
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