Category Archives: Current News

Topics on Mind Health, lifestyle, everyday dilemmas

For Black Girls, Teenage Behavior is Criminal


We all watched in horror, the video of South Carolina school resources officer,  Ben Fields, of the Richland County Sheriff’s office, as he flipped  a black teen on her head and dragged her across a classroom floor as if she were a piece of trash. This because she began using her cell phone in a math class, against her teacher’s instruction.

This brings into question the kind of reality that a person in authority has in mind when a classroom disruption becomes criminal behavior requiring physical force.  She did not have a weapon. She was not threatening anyone. She was not following directions in a way that is pretty typical of teen in the throes of hormonal flux or any child, for that matter. We can think of all sorts of reasons that she did not comply instantly. It seems that this lack of instant submission that police officers seem taught to expect is a central factor in many of the police abuse cases that have been in the news lately.

As we work hard to raise our children and get them to adulthood safely, the school should be the one reliable safe place. It should be the one place that understands children, how their minds work and how their behavior varies with their humanity. It is not so anymore.  And it is especially not so for African American children. More……

Between the world and Ta-Nehisi Coates – Every black mother should read…..

Between-the-World-and-Me-Random-House“Crazy”….is what people feel when their reality doesn’t match that of the masses. “Crazy” is what many black folks have been made to feel upon entering the wider American culture. In many parts of the US, whites make blacks look and feel crazy because of their denial of racism.

“Between the World & Me” is a new, non-toxic, natural antidepressant. A balm of words, concocted by a master pharmacist of the black experience, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Senior Editor at The Atlantic Monthly. Ta-Nehesi puts racism on a glass slide and puts the slide under a microscope that not only magnifies for dissection, the pathogen thereon,  but allows one to verify the feeling caused by that pathogen.

This is a book that every mother, actually every black person, should read. It helps gel those streams of hurt, embarrassment, anger, disgust, frustration, sadness, reactive paranoia and as he points out, fear, that roll constantly off black people’s backs. In more solid form, one can more closely examine them and then toss them away. Or one can examine them, identify them and set up preventive barriers.

“Carrying On” What did Ruby Dee & Ossie Davis teach their children about racism?

Carrying On
by Hasna Muhammad

(from  To see very touching photos of their mother-daughter experiences go to

My parents, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, are needed in times like these. They would join the voices of folks like Harry Belafonte, Danny Glover, and Alicia Keys to carry on about the resurgence of police killings of unarmed black and brown people; this Strange Fruit refrain. My role as a literary and visual artist and social activist begins at, the place where dedicated, like-minded people are helping today’s artists use their influence to bring necessary attention to this and other grassroots movements.   More…

Got a big cold, get a little tangerine……..

Cold self-help natural solutionsPeople come in hacking and struggling, miserable because they can barely breathe, so we are always interested in what is and isn’t working for them. Understand that every body is different, so some things work for some body types and not for others.

Here’s the summary of the natural (mostly) and good old fashioned “Mama’s” remedies: (Consult your doctor)

Chicken soup – Really!  Scientific research has now revealed that  a substance obtained from cooking chicken bones into a broth has high immune value. Just throw a couple of pieces of chicken into a pot of water with onion (more immune power), celery & parsley, add a little salt & pepper to taste & cook until the meat is done all the way through. It’s good to have some in the freezer & ready.  Can’t do? Try a little Egg Drop soup at your local Chinese  takeout. Canned chicken soup is helpful but the salt content in most canned soups is really high. You don’t want to add to your problems.

The little tangerine! I keep a bowl of clementines around during cold season. Just eat a couple of these and they seem to help even more than the chicken soup. There is something in them that works far better than oranges for colds for many people.

CoQ-10. This supplement is said to increase your ability to get oxygen to your cells. It’s also taken to improve heart health.

The neti pot.  Oprah introduced the neti pot to the public, raving about what it does for her sinuses. Clients have tried it and they rave, too. You can find neti pots now at most drug stores, Whole Foods markets and many other grocery stores.

Zinc. This mineral is very helpful when you are troubled by inflammation of the sinuses and throat. We think germs don’t like zinc. Zinc is a necessary mineral and can be purchased at low cost from most grocery & health food stores.  These are zinc pills with no sugar base as is the case with zinc lozenges. Viruses grow on sugar, so you don’t want to feed the organisms that you are fighting. Many people diagnosed with ADHD are thought to be deficient in zinc.

Epsom Salt bath. People think of epsom salt baths as good for aches and pains and muscle inflammation.  Many folks report that it seems to draw “the yuckies” out of the body and clear up the sinuses when they have the flu or a bad cold. Look for the epsom salt that has magnesium.  For external use only. Follow the directions on the package.

Check out some of the natural cough syrups. They can be very soothing and helpful without adding the stimulant ephedrine which some people have trouble with.

Non-natural solutions:

Mucinex – Follow the directions and cautions and be sure to drink plenty of water. Some people do well taking just half the recommended dose.

Tamiflu – People find that this shortens the length of time they are ill with the flu. You must be diagnosed with the flu and given a prescription for this by your doctor.

There are many other natural cough & cold remedies. Some ailments may actually be the result of allergies. There seem to be more severe airborne allergens. For some people colds and allergens set off asthma. Some short, hacking coughs are not just colds but also signal asthma. A cough with a sort of honking sound may also be asthma. If you can’t catch your breath or have pressure in your chest, head for the doctor.

With asthma, flu & colds, removing allergens and certain foods will reduce the disabling symptoms. That means no dairy, sweet foods or drinks. Milk causes some to produce more mucous and sugars feed germs and viruses making them stronger and you weaker.

Last of all, when you feel a cold coming on and  keep your chest covered, take vitamin C (not orange juice). People report doses of 2,000 mg are usually effective in stopping or slowing down infections.

Oscilloccoccinum – weird name – is a tiny, pleasant homeopathic remedy available at Whole Foods and many health food stores & natural groceries. For the price it’s worth its weight in gold if you take it in time. It can ward off the flu while others are dropping around you.

Simplest preventive? Wear gloves & try to avoid touch pads and other surfaces that others handle. Wash your hands frequently and keep a non-toxic hand disinfectant close by.