Secrets & plain English answers to Black mental health concerns

People of the Lie – A book whose time has come
In a time like this, one thinks about the books, written long ago, that seemto have foretold this moment M ...

Finding your voice in the Age of the Big Lie
At the root of almost all conflict - whether between internationalgovernments or between intimate partners - is a LieSaid by ...

What determines sanity
At the core of anyone's sanity is the issue of knowing and recognizing the truth. Our recent political "situation" afforded ...
Taking psychiatric meds? How to protect yourself from side effects.
Along with frequently described mood or antidepressant medications, what else can a person do to protect themselves from accumulating brain ...

How to feed your brain to make it last
Let's face it.....every time you feed your body, you feed your brain. A well-fed brain can think clearly, make great ...

Coconut oil for alcoholism
A former alcoholic who researched a solution to the unbearable cravings for alcohol that ruined his personal life, Dr. Robert ...

Psychosis – Is Early Childhood Bullying a Cause?
Children who are bullied or who are bullies themselves may be at greater risk of becoming psychotic as adults. Psychosis ...
Kids Are Being Prescribed Antidepressants and ADHD Meds at Increasingly High Rates
In the report, Children's Health Spending: 2009 - 2012, issued by the Health Care Cost Institute, an increase in prescription ...

Fight dementia & Alzheimer’s: Dump the bread
Renowned neurologist, David Perlmutter, says that it's neither consistent with reality nor current science to deny the negative effects of ...
No Amount of Alcohol is Safe
The 2014 World Cancer Report from the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concludes that no ...
Just Get Over It! And Other Insensitive Things That People Say……..
How many times have you heard someone shriek, mutter, moan, yell, spit, murmur or plead, "Just get over it!", usually ...
Crucial Factors in Mother Driving her Children into the Ocean
What would make a young mother want to kill her children? That was the big question when this near tragic ...