My goal is to help you overcome your challenges and obstacles. Currently, I work with children experiencing depression, anxiety, and behavioral symptoms. I work with adults experiencing anxiety and depression. I assist my clients with creating personal goals for a healthier lifestyle!
Provider Location: Lakeland Circle, Jackson, MS 39216
Provider offers telehealth and in-office sessions: Yes
Telephone Number: 601-955-0187
Number of years in practice: Four
Provider Focus: Individual, family and couples therapy. Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Provider’s personal statement: With our young kids committing crimes at an alarming rate. I work with parents, community leaders, and administrators on tools, ideas and techniques to keep their young kids involved in positive activities to try to deter them from negative influences. It truly takes a village to raise our youth today!
This provider sees: Adults, couples, children
This provider works with these concerns: ADHD, Addiction, Adolescence, Anger management, Anxiety, Behavior problems, Intellectual disability, Compulsive behaviors, Depression
This provider’s payment policy: Contact provider to discuss fees and payment. Provider accepts some insurances.