Tag Archives: Therapists of Color

Mother Who Drove Her Children into the Ocean Could Be Your Sister……..

The young mother may have thought she could drown her fears
The young mother may have thought she could drown her fears

Currently being held on $1.2 million bond and charged with three counts of attempted murder, the 32 year old mother, Ebony Wilkerson, who drove her children into the ocean near Daytona Beach, FL on  March 4, 2013,  is suspected of suffering from a mental illness. Now, normally, someone suffering from an illness is hospitalized and treated with medication, etc. and apparently, she had checked herself out of a hospital just before leaving her sister’s home and heading to the beach. Her sister had called 911 to say that she was worried since Ebony had spoken of feeling that there were “demons” in the sister’s home, causing her to leave. 

Police had then stopped her while driving with her children, ages, 10, 9 and 3 and questioned her briefly, but felt that she answered questions appropriately and that she did not meet the criteria necessary to detain her for mental health reasons. It was said that Mrs. Wilkerson was fleeing her husband whom she felt was dangerous to her children.  Reports have stated that Mrs. Wilkerson was pregnant.

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Please read the following disclaimer:  For site visitors: AfricanAmericanTherapists.com is an informational website only. All featured or verified providers listed here were licensed by their states at the time of initial listing. This website takes no responsibility for ongoing accuracy of licensing or credentialing information. In addition, this website cannot be responsible for the treatment, advice or information provided by any of the providers listed here. As this is an informational website, the information given here does not supercede or replace the advice of your medical provider and is not to be considered medical advice. The resources listed here are responsible for their own services and AfricanAmericanTherapists.com is not able to assure the accuracy or efficacy of their services. The best means of obtaining adequate services for mental health needs is direct consultation with a licensed professional mental health provider. Please seek immediate assistance from your local emergency room or mental health crisis center or hotline if you are experiencing any of the following:
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