What your doctors might not see

where we actually believed the advertising phrase, “Only your doctor knows” instead of what the old folks constantly told us: “Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t understand or can’t figure out what to do with your own assets. ” Your brain is your  Number One asset, your heart is Number Two, your body  is Number Three, your family, Number Four,  and on. Money is a little further down the line but would you let your doctor tell you what to do with your money? Without understanding it? No?

Then take some time and understand your brain, your heart, your mind and your body. Take some time to understand your feelings, your money and your spouse, and your children.

The Third Stage

We are entering a third stage of medical care.  High technology and drugs are king. Medical care in the US is great for serious diseases and unusual medical complications, but our system is effective less than half the time in curing the most common chronic ailments. That is due to a number of reasons, the greatest of which is that we don’t take the time to understand that most illness is caused by the food we put in our bodies and our lack of follow through. Or to make it more clear: the car won’t run with the wrong fuel in it and if we don’t put the proper fuel in it each time, it’s going to break down.

Two slogans: “You are what you eat ” and “Let food be thy medicine”

You can detect brain changes in teenagers that can predict the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Blood tests in children can predict who might develop diabetes later in life. Most cancers take more than 30 years to grow to the  size where they can be detected. And the new conversation shifts to PREVENTING illness and sustaining great health through simple foods, simple activities and simple knowledge. It goes like this, “Man, I’m watching my buddies drop like flies! I’m giving up the meat, bread and potatoes and going back to the old folks’ food. I’m gonna be lean and green!” Or this, “Hey, that acupuncture got rid of my cramps, that chiropractor really improved my balance,  and now that I got rid of wheat, dairy and corn products, NOTHING HURTS, RUMBLES! BURPS or BELCHES!

Oh, Buddy, watch out now!


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