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For site visitors: AfricanAmericanTherapists.com is an informational website only. All featured or verified providers listed here were licensed by their states at the time of initial listing. This website takes no responsibility for ongoing accuracy of licensing information. In addition, this website cannot be responsible for the treatment, advice or information provided by any of the providers listed here. As this is an informational website, the information given here does not supercede or replace the advice of your medical provider and is not to be considered medical advice. The resources listed here are responsible for their own services and AfricanAmericanTherapists.com is not able to assure the accuracy or efficacy of their services. The best means of obtaining adequate services for mental health needs is direct consultation with a licensed professional mental health provider.
If you are at this site because of a mental health crisis: Please seek immediate assistance from your local emergency room or mental health crisis center if you are experiencing any of the following: 1) A feeling of needing to harm yourself or someone else 2) A feeling of allowing harm to come to yourself or someone else 3) If you are abusing substances 4) If you feel in grave danger or feel you are unable to maintain consciousness: Call 911 immediately!

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